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I did it…whoops!

I admit, i did it. I bought the new iphone, and i’m not feeling guilty, i’m really excited. My old phone has been acting weird for a while, losing the audio during both outgoing and incoming calls, and it was time to get a new phone. So the choice was either buy a cheap phone that does the basics, or buy the one that i really wanted but may be potentially a little bit of an over indulgent. Heeeheeeheeeee, and i did the latter.

So tonight, i’m going to be playing with my new toy, but tomorrow i have a treat for you – one of my latest layouts about ME, and i hope you will be inspired to make one about you, and maybe even inspired to splash out on treating yourself as well, just as i did. Have a great Friday!


{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Bekka June 20, 2009, 4:32 pm

    I’m V jealous of your new phone – I hope it brings you hours of pleasure 🙂

    Looking forward to the LO

    Have a great day


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