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Inspired to Spook

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Did you know that Saturday was World Card Making Day? Luckily for me I was in the mood to make some cards.

As we are now in October, I wanted to get into that Halloweenie mood and these Eerie Alley stamps from SEI were perfect for making some spooky Halloween cards. With a perfect mix of border stamps, background stamps, text and pictures – this stamp set is wonderfully versatile.

Over the next few days i’m going to show you some of the cards I made with this stamp set. And to start I did promise that I would show you what I did with the bow I made in yesterdays blog post, so here it is.

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You should also take a look at the great halloween treat bags that Jennifer Macguire has made. It’s making me want to get my hands on some tootsie rolls. Check out her blog for more great inspiring tricks and treats.

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  • Carmen October 6, 2009, 8:31 pm

    Cute card 😉 Love the skully! VERY impressed with your tidy shelves. They put mine to shame 🙂

    • Hungryheffy October 6, 2009, 8:43 pm

      i was thinking of you as i was making them, figured you might like these halloweenie cards! my shelves are (mostly) always tidy – tidy craft room means my easy inspiration. one of these days i’ll persuade craig to buy me a video camera and we’ll have a tour of the craft room. x

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