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Memories of Musical Chairs

I LOVE party games!! – pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey, and of course, musical chairs! And when I saw this chairs stamp in Unity Stamps September KOTM, it instantly reminded me of the local Church hall, lined with chairs whilst the musical notes stopped and started, resulting in an inevitable pile-up of kids, clambering and fighting over the last chair. Ahh, the fun!

And all of this is ahead of me, when little bump comes out! ♥

Speaking of bump…we were so excited to have our 20w scan on Friday!
It was SOOO very crazy! Seeing the little hands and feet on the screen! Wriggling and turning this way and that way, taking our breath away! We watched the screen with amazement, mouths gaping whilst the sonographer marvelled at how cooperative our little one was being. She even called it ‘baby of the day!’. Oh, such a proud mama already!! 🙂 I promise I’ll have some pics to share real soon. Anyway, must reel myself in from all this swishy gooey stuff! ♥

So for now… a very humble product list for todays card.

Products used

White Cardstock
Pink Fluid Chalk ink
Chairs rubber stamp: Unity Stamp KOTM
Party stamp: Unity Stamp KOTM
Black Archival ink
Corner chomper

Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget about this weeks PRIZE GIVEAWAY where you can win TWO scrapbook kits!!!
and…keep you eyes peeled for the next post because i have some VERRRRRY exciting news to announce!
Have a great day!

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  • Emy October 30, 2010, 9:51 am

    Love this card. Such a great idea 🙂

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