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Lawn Fawn Piñata Interactive Card – YouTube LIVE Video!

Hello Crafty friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend – mine has been pretty much filled with laundry ( boo!) BUT I can’t complain because I DID get the most fabulous start to the weekend – a Friday night filled with crafting! What’s more – I got to share my crafty evening with you guys!

Yes, I did another YouTube LIVE video on Friday evening, where I had the pleasure of inviting you guys to join me in my craft room. I thought that I would share the video here in case any blog readers didn’t get a chance to catch it! Be warned though – this video is in real time, so it’s a long one. Probably one to stick on and watch whilst ironing, cooking, crafting! 🙂

I knew from the outset that I was going to play with the Year Seven Stamp set from Lawn Fawn.
I love this cute piñata! Isn’t he adorable!?

As you will see from the video, I didn’t really have much else in mind when I started crafting… but it all turned out in the end! Here’s the front of the final card!

I used some tissue paper and fringe scissors to create a super tactile front to my card, which gives this card an authentic piñata feel, don’t you think?

On the inside, I created a forest scene – mostly because I wanted it to look like the piñata was being hung from a tree! 😀 To get lovely soft colours, I did some ink brush blending to colour the die cuts! Here’s a closer look at the inside!

I just love the way the cute piñata dangles down and swings about! So fun!

BIG CONGRATS to STACEY GRAVES who won the giveaway that I did during the LIVE stream! Your stamps and dies are on their way to you already! <3

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you can join me for another YouTube LIVE session soon! I am hoping to do one this Friday evening at 9pm GMT, and expect to be doing another giveaway! If it interests you, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube so you can get the notification when I go LIVE!

See you tomorrow Crafty Friends!




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  • Michelle Daigle May 7, 2017, 4:43 pm

    That was fun! The card came out great! I’m so glad to have something to look forward to on Friday nights now! Fun stuff!

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