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No CCWM this week

Just a little announcement…. i’ve been informed that there has been plans made for my birthday this weekend – which means, no Come Craft With Me this Friday I’m afraid.

We are off for a trip, and there may be raccoons involved! SQUEEEEEEE!!

I’m still planning on a giveaway via Instagram, be a sweet and repost to your friends and maybe, just maybe, you might WIN! 🙂 Love you all!

p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (for Saturday) !!

See you Friday, at youtube.com/hungryheffy 9pm BST / 4pm EST for some LIVE crafting and lots of giggles!



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  • BunnyDobbie August 25, 2017, 8:59 pm

    Wot? Wot?? No Crafts? What will I do with myself? I may have to speak to hubby. =D
    You have a very beary Happy Birthday with raccoons on top!
    I will be missing next week as I am away on an Adventure of my own with hubby.
    You Heffy Doodlers have loads of fun and I look forwards to seeing what brilliant things you created together in my absence! xox

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