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ThreeFour : Scrapbook Layout

Oh look, another scrapbook layout to share! yippee. This layout was one that i made up north when we were visiting the In-Laws. I only brought a limited amount of supplies which in a weird way was very liberating.
For once I was actually scrapping in the present tense. Usually i am a retrospective scrapper, but this page is a story about what was currently happening. We noticed that Piper had picked up a habit of saying ‘three-four’. Every time we asked her a numerical question this would be her answer. She would look you straight in the eye and say with certainty “threefour”. How many raisons do you what? How many flowers can you see? How many cars are over there? THREE FOUR! It made us laugh every time, so i simply had to scrap it!


A Growing Bear: Scrapbook Layout


Look how teeny tiny she looks! Geez, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown!

At the start of September Piper was moving up into a bigger class at nursery and I it coincided almost perfectly with her one year anniversary of starting nursery school.  I was looking through my photos one day and I found these few snapshots which I had taken during one of Piper’s settling in days at nursery.

The school is really cool, and each of the class rooms is named after a bear, starting with koala bears (for non movers), grizzlies (for crawlers) and then teddies for adept walkers, and I wanted to make a scrapbook page to remember those first few days when she joined for the first time. A whole year had passed already, and i simply couldn’t believe it! It was the perfect time to put a page together.

I decided that clean and simple was the way to go. I used a mix of bright papers and patterned papers to create a nice mix and staggered two photos as the main focal points of the page. To support a school theme i used a ruler stamp and also that pencil printed unto paper which was actually part of some junk mail that came through the door a few weeks before. heheee (waste not want not)!

My journaling started small but grew large, and to be honest i kinda love it when that happens because i don’t want to feel like i am restricting the story in any way, but it did mean that i was cutting it a bit fine when i was trying to make it fit on the page! lol.

I am still loving this notebook edge die from MFT, particularly mixed with bakers twine. yummy!


In other news, I was delighted to receive issue 67 of Scrapbook Magazine in the post today, and was even more chuffed to find a two page spread featuring two of my layouts! {yeay! smiling from ear to ear! } Both pages were inspired by children’s stories, one 12×12 and one 8.5 x 11. Here’s a sneaky peeky to share….

scrapbook mag 67 sneak peek HHC

Thanks for stopping by!



Ever have a project which has been lurking in your house for years? A forgotten project, once started, never finished? This was one of mine.

When I spent a year in France as part of my Uni degree Craig and I wrote letters to each other every week. I kept these all in a box along with some postcards and brochures etc from Lyon. When we moved into our previous house in 2009 I decided that i was going to make a mini book to hold all these items. I was going to make a video and I designed the whole thing and pre-cut all the papers and everything. Then I hit an issue. The video i was started was rubbish- the lighting was really bad, so much that the colours were not true and that bugged me soooooo badly. We also didn’t have a proper camera mount. Because of these things my inspiration flew out the window and hit itself in the face on the way out. I packed everything away together and then it lay in hibernation.

Fast forward. Geez, has it been three years?!

Then one day for no apparent reason, I did it!
I faced the giant and decided that it was GOING to GET MADE! I didn’t want to do a video any more, that ship had sailed, but it was silly having a half finished project staring at me all this time.

And here it is. And I LOVE IT! I like the design, (i wanted a vintage, timeless yet french inspired romantic feeling), I love the textures, I love the content, i love the story behind the project getting made and i love the fact that it is finished.

My bind it all had its work cut out for it because there were so many things to go in to the book. The final thing doesn’t even close properly but i don’t care. Because its done. and its great.

Do you have any projects which are dwelling on your mind? Go get inspired and face your own giant!