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Good Luck Alex

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Tomorrow is Alex’s last day at work so over the weekend I quickly threw together a little card so we could write our farewell messages to our little IT and Telecoms geniusl it’s going to be very different now that we won’t be able to rely on Big Al to sort out all the issues that he was always so keen to resolve, but as always we will just have to force ourselves to learn things which lie out of our usual comfort zone.

Alex, I know the clients will all miss your friendly smile and enthusiastic personality and we hope you will still pop by to see us from time to time. Who is gonna get us half price tickets to Thorpe Park now? LOL.

So here is Alex’s leaving card. Well actually I think ‘leaving card’ sounds quite depressing, so instead I prefer to call it is his ‘good luck in your new job’ card! As Alex is an avid West Ham United fan, I dug out some paper with the West Ham signature burgundy colour. Monotone was too dull, so this stripy patterned paper caught my eye. I also thought using a bottle cap as an embellishment and the main focal design feature would speak to Alex too- a reminder of all our office nights out!

Thanks for a good excuse to go out for a drink tonight Alex, we all had fun! All the best mate. Take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger!

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Products used
DCWV paper stack
Organza ribbon
Glue dots
Circle punches
Bottle cap
Quickutz squeeze tool (to flatten the bottle cap)
Foam tape
American Crafts Thicker Stickers
Studio G alpha stamps
Pigment marker

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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Jemma May 13, 2009, 11:22 pm

    I love the way you have used the bottle cap – I have some but have never used them before, thanks for the inspiration x

    • Hungryheffy May 14, 2009, 8:11 pm

      thanks Jemma, its so much fun smooching them down flat! thanks for the comment. x lesley

  • Helen May 19, 2009, 2:13 pm

    Wicked card you just filled my head with new ideas Thanks for that!

  • Jo May 22, 2009, 1:30 pm

    Fab idea.

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