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The Big Bisous Reveal

Bisous Chipboard

If you are a regular visitor to my blog then you are probably aware that I use quite a lot of products from Bisous, especially their chipboard shapes, which I often dream about at night time. ohhhhh, I looove them all.

This month I am absolutely delighted to be published as Bisous’ Featured Designer in their monthly newsletter. A huge thanks to Suzanne Carillo for approaching me to design projects for Bisous, and I have had so much fun playing with the fabulous Bisous products. To sign up for these great newsletters, which share lots of ideas and fun projects, subscribe here.

Of course, this means that all the Bisous projects which I designed for Bisous are now all available for viewing on the Bisous website www.bisous.biz, where you can also see the dozens of collections made by Bisous.

Over this week I am going to be posting pictures of each of the projects that I made for Bisous. To get a peek, hop on over to the Bisous Idea Gallery but I will be posting higher res pics here on the blog.

The first project that I am going to share with you will be up this evening or tomorrow so be sure to check back , and in the mean time, this link will bring you to this month’s Bisous newsletter where you can find some of my work and also a link to the interview where Bisous asked me more questions about me and my Scrapping addiction.

Did you also notice my new Bisous blinkie over there on the right hand side of the home page? Cool, huh?
Crave collection -Bisous

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Carmen July 4, 2009, 4:20 pm

    Could I BE any more jealous? Probably 😛

    Congrats on being a feature designer – your work is gorgeous!

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