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We know who the Boss is round here!

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A quick one today, and another layout about my little fur baby. Last year for Christmas we unwrapped a pressie to find a little magnet that read ‘a cat and it’s housekeepers live here’. And if you own a cat, you are probably aware of how true this is. Miya is definitely the boss of our house – she tells us when it is time to get up to serve her breakfast, she moves us out of the way if we are in the best sleeping spot, she inspects all my crafting to ensure that they pass her seal of approval, and she keeps a close eye on us most evenings whilst sitting high up on her scratching post. Its quite funny how much of a little princess she thinks she is…or perhaps dictator may be a more accurate term.

Craig and I always seem to verbalise what we believe she is thinking as we decipher her stern looks and unamused stares, and this layout is a collection of these statements which we really do believe goes through her furry little head. It was fun. I hope you like it.

This was also another opportunity for me to play with my sewing machine to create a frame around the main focal area and to use this luuuurvly scalloped edge paper which was lying in my stash for ages, and the best bit was that I got to use up lots of scraps from my box of Bisous goodies.

Journaling reads:

“Excuse me. Do you have permission to do that? I don’t remember seeing the necessary completed form required for you to do that. How very dare you disrespect me like that. Don’t you know who I am? What makes you think that you can get away with that? It disgusts me when I see you do that. Did you think that it was your God given right to do what you want? Free will? I think not. I don’t want to hear excuses or complaints. i don’t even want to look at you right now! I’m going to sit up here at the highest height and look upon you with judgement. don’t ever forget who is the boss round here!”

On another note, have you entered the blog candy competition yet? Click here and leave a comment to be in for a chance to win!

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Suz July 26, 2009, 4:18 pm

    I always love your cat layouts… the journaling is spot on & really brings the moments to life.

  • Carmen July 26, 2009, 5:25 pm

    I love this! Love all the little details, having once been a puddy cat slave I can definitely sympathise 😛

    Sad thing is – my cat, sadly missed as she is has left a legacy. My kids say all those things to me now instead! 😉

    I have a similar lo of our cat riding around on my sisters back looking for all the world as if she belongs there 😀

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