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'You Make Me Smile' Scrapbook Layout

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Today’s layout is about my cousin Hayley. I was 8 when Hayley was born, so i’ve always considered her the little sister that I never had. With only 50 yards between our family homes, we grew up together and confided in one another. Many a girly sleepover and agony aunt moments shared. It was not a difficult decision to have Hayley as one of my bridesmaids on my big day, and as expected she was the perfect choice.

When I went to Uni, I didn’t get to see Hayley as much as I wanted to, and even now I only get to visit the homeland once or twice every year. Even at that, Hayley works so hard that sometimes I don’t even see her even when I do get back to Northern Ireland for a while. Its a shame she is not one of those people who could chat for hours on the phone. I should really get her over to visit me soon……

But still, when I think of Hails, I think of a kind and considerate person, the funny things she does and say. The friendship we have, a shared soul, the strong connection between us- one that blurs the line between family / friend. When I think of her, I smile.

And that is exactly what I wanted to portray in this layout. Simple and to the point. Bright and colourful, just like her bubbly personality, and a photo that demonstrates our closeness. I will always love my Hails for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

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{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Carmen July 28, 2009, 9:38 pm

    This is a lovely page Lesley 🙂 Hope you are going to send her a link to it?

  • Carmen July 29, 2009, 8:36 pm

    Would you be so kind as to pop by my blog and pick up your award that you’ve left lying around? It’s making my post look a bit untidy 😉 😀

  • Sandy August 5, 2009, 8:23 am

    LOVE this LO Lesley, especially the cutout flowers along the side. It’s really eye catching

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