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Playing With Paper – 'You've Got Mail' in 3D!

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See what happens when my doodles collide with my urge to play with paper?

I was watching some videos from CHA over on Noell’s website at www.paperclipping.com (by the way, if you haven’t watched them then you should definitely check them out), and I remember seeing little mail boxes in the background of one of the videos. What’s really bad is that I can’t remember which video it was, nor which company it was promoting, but I guess subconsciously the cute little mail boxes stuck in my mind. I was on the phone one day to my mumsy, and I found myself doodling mailboxes. A few minutes later I was pulling out cardstock and mentally engineering shapes and thinking of ideas about how this could be turned into a 3d shape. About 10 minutes later, this was the result. Do you like it?

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And to finish it off, I made half a dozen letters to go inside the mail box, using my envelope punch by Marvy.

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