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MYM- Time For Tea?

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When Sarah had her first, my adorable little Godson Randolph, her Mum came to stay for a while. My memory of ‘Grammy’s” stay with us will always be focused on fruit teas. Being in Britain, of course cups of tea are served on a highly regular basis, but Grammy preferred a variety of non-caffeine teas. We all got hooked in the end, even Craig, and now when we reach for a packet of Twinnings Starwberry and Mango tea, it’s Grammy we think of.

So today’s Miss You Monday is for Sarah, but is inspired by her Mom. and although it isn’t technically a card like most (if not all) of my previous MYM posts, it still counts I reckon! After all, when inspiration hits you, you just have to go with the flow.

So here is my Miss You Monday project for today: a little book full of a variety of fruit teas so the girls will always be able to have a cuppa no matter what they fancy.

If anyone wants a tutorial, let me know and i’ll put one together for you in the future.

Video Tutorial is now available here —

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{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Regina August 10, 2010, 6:54 am

    What sweet memories, an adorable creation, and fabulous gift idea! Love it, and definitely want the tutorial. So cute!

  • Marjo Brans August 10, 2010, 6:32 pm

    Love to know how you made it!! Can be used for all kind of gifts ( sweets; chocolats; little gift cards) so please make a tutorial…

  • Pauline Halloran August 30, 2010, 2:53 am

    Oh yes, please post a tutorial or step by step written instructions. Nicely done!

  • Sonia October 18, 2010, 4:45 pm

    Yes please, I would love to see a tutorial on this project.A great gift idea!! Thanks : )

    • Lesley Oman October 18, 2010, 6:43 pm

      hi Sonia, its coming soon…just finishing off the final bits of editing! xo 🙂

  • Judy Heath April 13, 2011, 6:56 am

    I am trying to save part 2 of the teabag book that you did which I just love and I am
    trying to making it for my mom for Mother Day but I can’t seem to save it to my favorite can you please help me and tell me how I can save it your help is much appreciated
    Judy Heath

  • Judy Heath April 13, 2011, 6:59 am

    I need help I am trying to save part 2 of your tea bag book that you did I am trying to
    make it for my mom for mothers Day but I can’t seem to save it to my favorites I was able
    to save part 1 but not part 2 your help would be much appreciated
    Judy Heath

    • Lesley Oman April 13, 2011, 11:29 am

      hi there judy,
      Glad you are giving this project a whirl – its so much fun!
      Do you mean saving it on Youtube? Or do you mean saving to favourites on your computer (bookmarking it?) i’ll have a poke around to see if there are different settings on that video that might prevent you from saving it.

  • Judy Heath April 13, 2011, 7:04 am

    I am trying to save part 2 of your tea bag book I was able to save part 1 to my favorite not
    I can’t seem to save part 2 your help would be much appreciated
    Judy Heath

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