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Project Craft Room!

Hello again everyone.
Thanks for being so patient for me as I know a lot of you have still been checking in, even though i’ve not been able to post any projects recently due to the house move. But, alas, today we decided to take a bit of a break form unpacking and organising and I even got to do a little bit of crafting. Thank goodness I packed an emergency craft kit! Hurray!

Project Craft Room
Now that we were into the house, Project Craft Room was at the forefront of my mind. Attached to the house was a garage that the previous owner had plastered as she had used it as a work out room. This is definitely one of the biggest selling points for us, because previously I have used a bedroom as a craft studio, but now we have three bedrooms AND a craft room!! Plenty of room for us, the cat and baby when he/she arrives! yippeee!

So, currently there are still a LOT of boxes everywhere, but about 95% are for my crafty stuff – which, of course, we can’t unpack until we have fixed up the conversion/ garage/ new craft room. heehee! Craig suggested that we put all the craft boxes upstairs in a spare bedroom, but i insisted that we should put them in the living room. This means that we would look at them every day, motivating us to work on completing the craft room as soon as possible! And….it worked!

First step was the underfloor heating! M&H came round to help us lay the heating kit, and boy am I glad they did. Although we didn’t get finished until 2am, Craig and I would have been there ALL night if they hadn’t been there.

Quality control – M & Craigy checks that its working!

So todays mission – laying the laminate flooring! It wasn’t a good start to wake up to this!

But, alas, we were determined to at least make a start. Given the fact that the sun set today before 4pm, we didnt get it all finished, but I must say it is coming along nicely!

Settling In
I was a little concerned with how Miya would settle into the new house, but she’s doing great. She has managed to find a couple of snuggly spots that are much to her approval!

And she is liking the way she can look out into the snow whilst sitting on a window ledge on top of a radiator. Ahhhhhh! Bliss!

Thats all for today, but please check back soon cos I have another giveaway for you, I just need to dig it out of a box so I can photograph it for y’all.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • penny December 22, 2010, 5:19 pm

    A whole craft room just for yourself, you lucky thing. Bet you cant wait
    to get your boxes emptied. Your cat has the same feelings as me….look out at the snow
    not be out in it!!

  • Basil Adlam December 23, 2010, 9:38 am

    Popped by to see how ya doin with yr move. Great that the craft room is beginning to take shape – lots of lovely space to fill with yr goodies! I’d love a wee room to call my own, just so I could close the door on half-finished projects without having to pack it all away!! So glad for you that Miya has settled in so quickly – she looks adorable with her Christmassy red collar and bell. Happy Christmas, Karen

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