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Another Mothers Day Card for Granny

Wooooo. Last night was the first rough night we’ve had with Piper..lets just say all three of us didn’t get much sleep. But it turned out okay because I was lucky to have Craig home with me today. It was good because I didn’t feel like I was going it alone throughout the day, but it was also exhausting because we had made plans for the day, so it meant we were rather out of routine for the whole day.

It felt so wonderful to show her off to friends and work colleagues today. All the compliments and coos just fill us with pride, so much so that we positively glow with delight. However… although my sweet darling is sleeping at the moment, I have a horrible feeling deep in my gut that I may be awake all night again.

But isn’t this one of the delights of parenthood? I keep telling myself that there will be days like this, but for every sleepless night there will be a multitude of wonderful moments shared with the little one, so precious that it makes it all worth while.

Every day I try to set myself little goals. Just little ones. Yesterday my goal was to print a document, to have a shower and be able to blow dry my hair, and to hoover the corridor. I never got to hoover, but to be honest i think that was more due to laziness rather than time constraints. lol.

Tomorrow I want to do a little crafting. Not much, maybe just half an hour? Twenty minutes? I’ve even brought a few bits and pieces into the dining room so that I can seize the moment (should it arrive!).

But for now, this is one of the other Mums day cards that I managed to quickly put together for Granny Oman last week…from Piper of course!


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Sam Wright May 8, 2011, 1:38 pm

    Super cute card! Has Piper’s sleeping got any better?

  • Kayla May 13, 2011, 4:00 am

    That card is so cute! Where did you get a ‘Granny’ stamp? I want one =)

    • Lesley Oman May 13, 2011, 8:44 am

      Hi kayla. Thanks. :—-)
      The word granny isn’t actually a stamp, it’s just my handwriting. But I have seen relative stamp, from trimcraft I think. Maybe google it.
      Thanks again for stopping by. Xx

  • Kayla May 14, 2011, 8:44 am

    I’ve gotta say, you have beautiful handwriting! Oh, how I wish mine was that nice. Thanks!

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