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Welcome Evie Mary Leach

Two of my work colleagues were blessed with a new arrival in their family a few weeks ago, and although I haven’t been chatting to Dan & Aimee as much as I normally would have done whenever I was working full time, I still keep in touch through the wonders of Facebook. And so I was thrilled to hear that their second child had arrived safe and well (all be it with a bit of reluctancy from what I hear)

To celebrate and congratulate, of course we needed a card. And of course it had to be pink!!

I mentioned last week that I was making Piper a little hat. It turned out so darn cute that I thought I would make one for Evie as well. This is a piccy of Piper’s. But Evies is the same but itty-bitty. (awww)

Piper showcasing a handmade hat. Made by mum.

And because their first adorable girl has just became a big sister, this needed celebrating too. For Holly I made this little door plaque/ wall hanging. I sure hope those flowers survive the post.

Congratulations you guys!

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