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Personalised Christmas Tree Decorations (& a winner)

Hey everyone, I’m back, and feeling a little more refreshed and ready for the holidays. Only 9 more days until Christmas, yipppeeeeeee!

Last week was my last Baby Sensory class <sniff>. I have enjoyed this class sooo much, and would really, really recommend it to anyone out there who has a little one. We have learnt lots of songs, had extra interaction with other babies and mommies and learnt lots of sign language. Best of all I love thinking about how much P has developed throughout the term. She can now sit upright unaided, can clap her hands, dances when music plays, can understand basic sign language and can even sign back to me. Its AmAzINg!

As i will be back at work full time next year, we wont be able to attend next terms sensory class, so i wanted to make a little something for the three class leaders to say thank you.

I spotted some wooden hearts on ebay for a great price so i bought 20. My original idea was to make one for every baby in the class, but people came and went and there was no way i could be 100% certain that i hadnt missed someone (that would be awful) – so i stuck to the three class leaders. maybe i’ll make these for Piper’s nursery teachers as well

I used my paint dabbers on the wooden heart and used my heat tool to speed up the drying process. I did two coats on each side, and didn’t bother about the edges. I quite liked the edges showing through. Next I tied a ribbon bow using a bow maker – this way you can get uniform bows which are perfect every time. I find this tool fantastic for making teeny bows that are sometimes hard to secure tightly.

I wanted to personalise the hearts so using a sharpie i wrote the leaders name onto shrink plastic, punched a hole and shrunk it using the heat tool.

Next I threaded some bakers twine through the hole, popped on the name tag and tied a knot on the end. To make sure that the bow was secure i simply added a few stitches using red thread. Simples.

Rather than just hand these over as they were, I made them into a sort of card thingy. I pulled out my corrugated red cardstock, added kraft and decorated the front with stamps and nesties.

They loved them.

Forget about the teachers, I might even make some for myself .


p.s the winner of the craft giveaway is Christina Greier. congratulations! Email me with your address —> ( lez {at} hungryheffycrafts.com )


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