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MAN-day Monday – A Diving Birthday Card for Mark

Whoops, I wasn’t feeling great last night so I didn’t get this posted as early as normal, but at least its still Monday!

Today is a special MAN-day Monday card, made especially for our good friend Mark who reached the big 3-0! eeep! I’ll reach it within a few short months as well!

As a keen diver, i wanted to make sure i had a special card to grant Mark his birthday fishes, err, wishes! I recorded a video to do a tutorial, but when we started editing, we realised that i hadn’t turned the lights on, so there were big nasty shadows ruining the shots. never mind.

To make the card I took two pieces of blue paper, both similar in tone but a different shade. I cut them with scallop scissors and then inked the edge with a little distress ink to create a defined edge. I overlapped them and stuck to the card.

For my diver, I used a circle punch on textured cardstock to make a face, lightly inked the edges with antique linen distress ink and a blending tool, and then i dabbed my pinky finger into the spun sugar ink pad and tapped gently onto Mister Diver’s face to create rosy cheeks. After all, he is holding his breath under water!

The mask was a stoke of genius. Hold the card on its side and you might figure it out?
It was a Quickutz die from a school set – it actually a glue bottle. My original plan was to cut off the ‘lid’ of the glue bottle but when i seen it sitting on the circle i realised the nozzle of the glue looked like a strap. Also from the school set was a pencil, which made the perfect snorkel for Mister Diver. Some googly eyes finished him off and gave Mister Diver his quirky look!

For the water, i added some stickers from my stash. These aquatic friends were always one of my favourite sticker sets. I only have a few left now. 🙁

It was an after thought, but it made a HUGE difference! Those little bubbles are actually little drops of glossy accents glue, left to dry over night. They add a wonderful dimension but they look like little droplets of glass. The blue paper actually has a fine print of mini dots and it is magnified through the drops – it looks really funky!

I’m pretty sure Mark loved his card. Happy Birthday Mister Diver!

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Mark February 7, 2012, 9:31 am

    He did love his card! 😀 So nice to get something so personalised and cool – I love the aquatic stickers too 🙂

    Talented little crafty creature, arencha! x

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