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MAN-day Monday – Be Prepared!

Is that even the Scouts moto any more? I couldn’t tell you if it is or not, but what i can tell you is that this card went down a treat with my brother Roger. Roge has been a scout or scout leader ever since i remember (probably all my life in honesty) and this year he was on a scout camp for his birthday. Not just ANY scout camp, but a special scout camp where survival expert Bear Grylls came to visit! how cool is that!

It was obvious what i had to do. Crack out the kraft cardstock and fashion a Scouts shirt in a birthday card.

To make the collar I cut a slit into the top of the card (front flap only) then used a ruler and a bone folder to create a crease from the top left corner, diagonally down to meet the bottom of the slit. Then I repeated this on the other side to make it symmetrical. When you fold the two triangles down, this creates the impression of a shirt collar.

For the scarf I took a strip of brown fabric and a length of yellow ribbon and ran stitching down the length with my machine, twisting as i went. It looked a little messy, but i didn’t really care because i was so pleased with myself for having a good idea! LOL

I had to chop the fabric in half and stick under the collar on each side, using glue dots, foam dots, wet glue, anything that would hold really!

To make the woggle (haha, love saying that word), i tried so many different things before i got it sorted. First i tried to make a loop with yellow ribbon but i couldn’t get it to stick properly. Next i folded the ribbon over and tried to stitch a line down it to create the loop, but oh my goodness, that was fiddly and looks terrible. Then, i thought about creating a loop of paper, but that didn’t look good either as i couldn’t get it to sit right without seeing the join. Determined not to lose out, i kept going and then it came to me in a flash of inspiration! In my sewing kit were old spools of cheap thread that came on tiny, little cardboard tubes; and it just so happened that the yellow thread that i used to sew the scarf had finished and the roll was sitting on the top of the sewing machine. woohoo! I used my craft knife to carefully slice off a small section without damaging it. Then I used my paper piercer and tweezers to push the scarf through the tube! One little woggle on one scarf on one scouts shirt! Perfect for my brothers birthday card!

Happy Birthday Roge. Love ya bro.



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  • amanda harley September 14, 2017, 9:18 am

    may have left it really really late but my husbands birthday is next thursday 21st september and is really heavily involved with scouts could you possibly make me one of these there ties colours are red and blue stripes when rolled .How much would it cost please. many thanks amanda

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