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Note Cards for Granny & Granda

I remember when I was younger that we had a tea towel in the drawer with little drawings all over it. It must have been made at school or Sunday School, where the kids had drawn pictures of themselves. I remember loving it, and here we are years later and it makes sense that i would be drawn to anything like that, as essentially it is a memory keeping tool. Imagine my delight when I arrive at Piper’s nursery one day to find out that they have made personalised tea towels to celebrate the Jubilee this year. The older kids had drawn pictures of themselves, but Piper’s class and younger had footprints and handprints. Its adorable!

I picked one up for the Grandparents as well as Grannys and Grandads love these kinda things (well, i suspect maybe Grannys more than Grandads). So here’s some cards i made to put in the envelope with the present.

The monkey paper is from a DCWV stack called ‘Nana’s Kids’. Its apt really – it is a card for Nana!. lol. I stamped the greetings letter by letter using alpha stamps, but the word Hello is from this clear stamp set from Hero Arts. love this set! Use it all the time!


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