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Unicorns & Rainbows Kind Of Day – Shaker Card {Video}

One day last week, i was feeling a bit ‘meh’. The house was a mess, my back was hurting, and it was a busy week at work. Then, my darling husband spoke the magic words “why don’t you go and buy yourself a stamp!”. 😀 Lets just say he didn’t have to say THAT twice! I few days later i had some HaPPYMaIL!!

Of course, deciding between Lawn Fawn and Mama Elephant would be like choosing which child you loved the best, so i bought both! heehee!

For my first crafty adventure with my new stash, I delved into the Unicorns & Rainbows stamp set to make a shaker card. I kept the colours muted and soft – its a bit hard to see it properly in the video. The photos are better, but in real life it is even prettier! I don’t know why i don’t use soft colours more often???

I even incorporated a little paper piecing so my unicorn would have a pair or pretty wings! Cute huh?

I used watercolour cardstock and coloured my images using watercolour paint. To be honest these images are so small i didn’t even have to mix new colours, i just reactivated some dry paint that was on the palette! Simples!

I hope you enjoy the video – i certainly had fun playing with my new treat! Thanks Craigybear! love you, and i love that you know i love stamps. xx

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Amanda February 27, 2016, 11:39 pm

    This is so cute & colorful. Love the video. Nice to hear an n.i accent on youtube. Very refreshing.

    • Lesley Oman February 28, 2016, 12:55 pm

      Thanks Amanda! My mumsy and dadsy had just been to visit so my accent is likely more N Irish in this video – they always revitalise my Irishness when they come to stay. 🙂 thanks for commenting!

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