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You're Pawesome! {video}

Hey everyone!

Today’s card is for all you guys – because i kinda think you are all Pawesome!!
( Oh, i do love a good pun! ) <3 I finally got to use one of my new masks that i picked up on my recent order from SimonSaysStamp! I think these falling stars are so cute! and i love the white-on-white effect that you get from using embossing paste! It is such good fun!

Sorry if you can’t understand me in the video. I had just come back from my trip to Northern ireland and my native colloquialisms were sneaking back into my everyday vocabulary! 🙂 and i was super tired after the trip, so i got a little confuddled at one point! LOL. never mind!

I also wanted to mention that i have been doing a little play with watercolouring. I am not sure why, but i have been completely enthralled by the way it looks, especially with whimsical illustrations! i have been binge watching a few illustrators on YouTube and have been giving it a go myself. I will be sharing some on the blog soon, but if you want to take a sneak peek, head on over to my instagram account 🙂 .

for now, though… i will leave you with the video! Enjoy!

Oh, also…. i am working on a video showing how i spiced up some plain store bought items for Piper’s birthday and sprinkled a little HungryHeffy crafty magic on them in order to create not only bespoke one-of-a-kind items, but also it made them waaaaay prettier… —-watch this space — 🙂 Ciao!

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