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Baby ideas

Baby Girl Card: Laundry Day

{ birthday blog candy is still open for entries – to enter check out this post}

Pink, pink, pink

Being the first Miss Oman in FOUR generations, when we arrived at Granny’s house last week little miss Pi’s room came complete with a selection of newly bought clothes: vests and onesies, tops and leggings, cardies and dresses. After having four boys I think Mum O is enjoying spending time in the pink aisles of the stores.

And today I have a pink, girly card to share. I bought this really cute stamp a little while ago, but its only recently I’ve been playing with it.

Cute, huh?

I sketched this out, err, about a milllllion years ago, but somehow it got left unloved for ages! I’m glad it finally made it in the end! Here it is —>

I made the grass by just using my normal scissors, but i kinda wish i had one of these.

and why didn’t anyone tell me about how awesome the Antique Linen distress ink is? It’s been on my shelf for months and its only now that i’ve discovered how lovely it looks on white cardstock, creating a subtle, soft, vintage look. Yummy! I buy my distress inks at Country View Crafts by the way – cheapest i’ve ever seen them, and FREE shipping too!


Handmade Sensory Blanket

Now that my sewing machine has its own table, and hence a little home of its own in the craft room, i’ve been getting fabric-happy.

During an internet perusing session i spotted a blog post on someone who had made a sensory blanket for their little one. I wish i remembered where I had seen it so i could link to it, but to be honest at the time i just clicked onto the next thing, not really giving it another thought. It was only about a fortnight later that i suddenly remembered that post.

Piper had started to be more playful, and when feeding she would look up at me with her steel blue eyes and reach up with her hands. First it started by gripping my top, then she would run her fingers over my chest and neck. She even started to reach up to touch my lips, at which stage i would give them a little kiss. These wandering hands gave me the idea that perhaps Piper would like something interactive to fondle when feeding.

All you need to make this blanket is two scraps of fabric (I made mine about 8 inches square) and a bunch of ribbons. Now, where, oh where would I find ribbon!?! {hide bashfully at the thought of my ribbon wall}

The most important thing is to make sure those ribbons are secured firmly, so i sewed the ribbons onto one square, then sewed both squares together right sides facing one another, leaving a gap to turn the right way round. Once I had turned it the right way, i sewed around the edges again, so the ribbons have three layers of stitching securing them in place.

I used different types of ribbon – satin, grosgrain etc to get different textures and I tied a knot in one or two of the ribbons too. I also added a piece of cord, which Piper particularly likes.

She loves the blanket. Sliding her fingers inside the loops, and we also sing a song called ‘Peepo’ with it. The song is sung to a similar tune as ‘London Bridge is falling down’ and the lyrics are..

“can you play at peepo,
peepo, peepo
can you play at peepo,
play a game with me.
peep in (cover face with blanket, muslin, hands etc)
peep out (remove blanket)
peep in (cover)
peep out (remove)
can you play at peepo,
play again with me”

Thanks for stopping by.


Why do I never remember to take ‘before’ photos?


Earlier this week Craig threw a pair of trousers on the ground (his usual filing system) and proclaimed that they were for the bin. Realising that they were his fav jeans, I questioned him. “Really? are you sure?”

Craig had decided that they were beyond repair. They had been worn so much that the backs of the legs were about 5 inches shorter than the front, and there were holes in the pockets and a few ‘air holes’ as well.

I just didn’t want to throw them away. They are just a pair of jeans after all, so I don’t know why I felt an attachment to them? i must be a little crazy on some level… But give this girl a few pins, a good pair of scissors and my trusty sewing machine…Voila!

I got so excited I added the pockets and the label just for a little pazzazz!

I didn’t have a lot of the pink pattern fabric so I made the base of the inside lining with plain white fabric, and in honesty the whole lining is about 2-3 inches shorter than the height of the denim, but i’m going to pretend that i planned it that way because the result is that the denim looks slouchy and really cool. LOL

Thanks for stopping by!