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Baby ideas

Welcome Evie Mary Leach

Two of my work colleagues were blessed with a new arrival in their family a few weeks ago, and although I haven’t been chatting to Dan & Aimee as much as I normally would have done whenever I was working full time, I still keep in touch through the wonders of Facebook. And so I was thrilled to hear that their second child had arrived safe and well (all be it with a bit of reluctancy from what I hear)

To celebrate and congratulate, of course we needed a card. And of course it had to be pink!!

I mentioned last week that I was making Piper a little hat. It turned out so darn cute that I thought I would make one for Evie as well. This is a piccy of Piper’s. But Evies is the same but itty-bitty. (awww)

Piper showcasing a handmade hat. Made by mum.

And because their first adorable girl has just became a big sister, this needed celebrating too. For Holly I made this little door plaque/ wall hanging. I sure hope those flowers survive the post.

Congratulations you guys!


Another project that will likely end up in Piper’s room! Soon there won’t be an inch of free wall space!

When I started this project I thought I was making a kinda scrapbook layout… but then it sort of evolved! Does that ever happen to you?

This is a clean and simple project that makes good use of your punches. I took a piece of card and started sticking down punched squares of pattern paper. I’ve used the Quite Contrary paper from My Minds Eye – i love their bright, colourful style – I think it creates a happy mood! I decided to add some variety by dry embossing one square and heat embossing on another, and then I also swapped out some squares for buttons and punched flowers. But the show stopper must be the little cupcake charm!

After I had put everything together on the pink cardstock background, I came across this blank canvas. So i simply attached the card to the canvas using the two brads. Best thing is – If i want to reuse the canvas all i need to do is take out the brads and the front will just pop right off!

Products Used

Quite contrary papers MME
square punch
Flower punches
Circle punch
Gems & pearls (
Charm from
swiss dots embossing folder
heroarts houndstooth stamp
distress ink embossing ink pad
white embossing powder
glossy accents
Ribbon from
brads – trimcraft
Stamps – Unity Stamps
Broken china distress ink


Remember Piper’s footprints? Remember her nursery? Well, I did promise that I would share another glimpse into my little angel’s sleeping quarters and here it is!

When I was designing her nursery (which seems like a lifetime ago, even though it was just a few months back) , I knew I wanted to have a white wall in the room that would display an array of photos and other fun stuff.

So I started buying photo frames, just cheap ones from discount stores. I figured Ii would paint them to be whatever colour suited best. I chose red. First I tried painting them with emulsion paint, but the frames had a waxy finish so it wouldn’t cover the wood completely as the paint pooled up. Also when the paint dried, it would scrape off really easily. Then I spent AGES sanding the frames to remove the waxy coating, and then painted them again. It still looked patchy and any parts which were tricky to reach with the sandpaper didn’t get covered with paint. So then I went to the hardware store and bought a tin of red plasticote spray paint. SUCCESS! I sprayed the frames outside over a couple of cardboard boxes, and I was surprised at how quick they dried. I gave them two coats and I am really impressed with the way it even stuck to the cheapo plastic flourish frame that i bought at the poundshop. It started as a really nasty, yucky pearly colour but now that its a bold, bright red it looks awesome. I kinda wish I had bought more!

Top left red frame: A rare and precious eureka photo moment taken by yours truly when Piper was 1 day old!
Top centre flourish frame: I love the way you can see all the wrinkles on her hand. Awwwwww! {taken by me}
Wicker heart: bought at a local garden centre…{love}
left black shadowbox frame: a set of foot prints set in salt dough, made at my local Baby Days group. Frame from Ikea
Wooden heart: This was a gift a few years back from my friend Rebekah. I think it was a Christmas tree decoration but I love it so much it stays out all year. Now it has a new home!
Centre red frame: A little project….see below.
Black Frame: A pressie from my friend Lindsey who took photos of Piper. I love that she has put more than one photo into the frame.
Right Red frame: One of the first photos taken of Piper with her eyes open, looking straight at the camera. {taken by Lindsey Jones}

Right in the middle of the cluster is a little project i’ve made with Piper’s first photographs- the ultrasound scans. I printed the three photos and three red blocks onto photo paper, then finished off the project by simply adding some embellishments and stickers. Couldn’t resist that Meiflower heart charm!

I’m not sure how many more frames i’ll put on the wall, i guess i’ll just add little bits as and when I feel inspired to make something {i’m thinking a pennant, or some rosette flowers…. }

Thanks for stopping by.
If you haven’t already – enter our Meiflower giveaway.