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Baby ideas


The first week we went to the ‘Baby Days’ meeting, we were able to make a footprint cast using salt dough. I had been wanting to make a footprint cast, and had originally thought about buying polymer clay to do it, and then {surprise, surprise} never got round to doing it. Why didn’t I think of salt dough? Easy peasy!

The ladies at the Baby Days meeting had dough already made up, and even fired it so it was ready for collection the next week. I was soo chuffed!

So this is little Piper’s footsies at 4 weeks and 1 day. I contemplated painting it white with some gesso, but i didn’t want the paint to cover over the texture of the footprint, because all those little creases are far to cute to cover over. I managed to pick up this frame in ikea a few months ago, and by a pure luck, it fits perfectly. This is going onto the nursery wall with some other frames and stuff (…which I will be showing you as soon as I remember to take a photo of them.)

Get yourself into a creative mood and make some salt dough – recipe can be found here.

Have a great day!


Good afternoon everyone,

Its true what they say..it does get easier. Everyone that told me that two weeks ago got a look of distain, but i guess that was the tiredness giving me grey tinted glasses. The days arent dragging quite as much, and Piper and I are learning how to read each other – the difference between a ‘i’ve got a burp’ cry and a ‘im feeling sleepy’ cry.

I’ve even managed to squeeze a little crafting into my days. Not every day, and not for very long, but its all baby steps. The projects probably not be posted on the website as quickly as i would like, but as long as im crafting there will be more stuff to share with you guys.

More good news… my parents are coming to stay this weekend. I cant wait for them to get here. Im sure they will spoil Piper rotten. I hope with an extra couple of hands around the house we will get to make a nice big family Easter dinner on Sunday. YUM!

Speaking of food, Its lunch time for momma, but i wanted to share this card I made for my little nephew Lewis. He turned one at the start of the month, and given my new parental responsibilities I didnt have a lot of time to make an extravagant card, but i still think this one is pretty cute. I don’t know why, but i am totally loving elephants right now.

Products Used

Hero arts stamps
Colouring pencils
Papermania greeting stamps
Pattern paper (from my stash, no idea who makes it- sorry)
Pearlescent blue cardstock
white ribbon


Announcing You

Between the dirty nappies, snuggles, bath times, feeding times and play time, I managed to get a few moments to do a little bit of digi crafting. I guess it kinda is digiscrapping. I wanted to make a birth announcement card to send to friends and family – who doesnt love getting a photo of a newborn through their letterbox!?

Mt friend Lindsey came round to take some photos of Piper, but she was an ungracious model i’m afraid, so this one was taken by me. Not exactly as good as Lindsey’s awesome work, but I was keen to get a photo of her before she grew up too fast.

So here it is – Piper’s birth announcement. What do ya think? I got loads printed from photobox and i was super impressed that they arrived really quickly – i’ll definitely be using them again.

Speaking of Lindsey Jones and her awesome photography work, these are a few of the photos she did manage to capture during the photo shoot.

Best go…the princess is fussing.
