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Gotta love those elephants. Baby Boy card

Good afternoon everyone,

Its true what they say..it does get easier. Everyone that told me that two weeks ago got a look of distain, but i guess that was the tiredness giving me grey tinted glasses. The days arent dragging quite as much, and Piper and I are learning how to read each other – the difference between a ‘i’ve got a burp’ cry and a ‘im feeling sleepy’ cry.

I’ve even managed to squeeze a little crafting into my days. Not every day, and not for very long, but its all baby steps. The projects probably not be posted on the website as quickly as i would like, but as long as im crafting there will be more stuff to share with you guys.

More good news… my parents are coming to stay this weekend. I cant wait for them to get here. Im sure they will spoil Piper rotten. I hope with an extra couple of hands around the house we will get to make a nice big family Easter dinner on Sunday. YUM!

Speaking of food, Its lunch time for momma, but i wanted to share this card I made for my little nephew Lewis. He turned one at the start of the month, and given my new parental responsibilities I didnt have a lot of time to make an extravagant card, but i still think this one is pretty cute. I don’t know why, but i am totally loving elephants right now.

Products Used

Hero arts stamps
Colouring pencils
Papermania greeting stamps
Pattern paper (from my stash, no idea who makes it- sorry)
Pearlescent blue cardstock
white ribbon

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