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It was a Sunday and it was sunny so we finally decided to make a start on the garden. After a quick trip to the garden centre we were ready to roll. Piper was eager to get stuck in, but then we realised that we didn’t have a sun hat for little miss P. Even with factor 50, I wasn’t prepared to take any risks. Hhhmmm, what to do?

Here’s what – grab an old pair of pre-pregnancy PJs that no longer fit and use the material to fashion a sun hat!

I wasn’t aiming for perfection, I was aiming for an ‘any old thing that will stay on her head and protect her from the sun’. And to be honest, that’s what I got. My original plan was to just throw it away but I thought I would have a go at rescuing it and I am happy I tried – I am delighted with the final result!

Here’s how it came together: I cut the fabric into four squares and then measured Pipers head. I lay the fabric on the cutting mat at an angle so it looked like a diamond and then i drew a bell shape onto the fabric. Two things to note: instead of a curved top I kept a point- the idea being that when i sewed them all together the four (roughly) 90 degree angles would come together, and secondly- the width of the bell was slightly more than 1/4 of the circumference of P’s noggin.  Once I had one bell shape cut out, I folded it in half and trimmed it down so it was symmetrical and then I cut all four pieces to the identical shape.

Whiirrrrrr, whirrrrrrrr, whirrrrrrrr! After about three minutes I had sewn all the seams and created a shape that resembled a hat. I didn’t even stop to change the purple tread in the sewing machine. It stayed on and did the job.

The next day I traced around the bell shape and cut four more panels using a floral fabric, stitched them together to create a hat shape. Then, when I had more time I carefully pinned the two hats right-sides together and stitched along the seam, leaving a 2 inch gap. Once i turned it the right way round I top stitched in purple along the edge.  This made the whole thing a lot more sturdy and also means that we now have a reversible sun hat!

Job Done!



Hey everyone.

Remember me? Im the one who has been absent for months. Whoops. Sorry about that. Im not sure how, but all of a sudden I am back in the crafty mindset. Its one of those ‘don’t-ask-questions-just-run-with-it’ things! Now that the evenings are lighter I am starting to feel like my time after dinner can be used more productively, rather than spending it snuggling under a blanket (which has been my go-to reflex for the past while). Viva la craftiness!

May is upon us and that means that it has started – the massive influx of birthdays. The year starts nice and slow, and as soon as we hit May, we have my Mum-in-law’s birthday, My Dad-in-law’s birthday, my brother-in-law’s birthday, and then it gets to mid month and its my brother, then my sister at the end.

Luckily my mojo came back in time. Well,,,, almost in time. I did my usual trick of making the cards but not posting them on time. I am notoriously bad at posting cards. I wish there was a rehab for that because i feel so guilty that i dont even want to send the card in the end. 🙁

So here’s a nice little mix of cards that I have made for the Oman clan.

First a card for Craig’s Mum.

Marvellous day

Nice and flowery and springy.

So i have just typed the title of the card into this post and spell check has just informed me that marvellous has two Ls! Oh dear! RUBBISH! I hate it when that happens! Ah well, lets hope she doesn’t notice! LOL

Next up is a card for dad. I saw this Father text as a print on Pinterest and it looks like i didn’t actually pin it to my board so unfortunately i cant link it back. If i find it again I will link it up. I thought it looked really cool. I am planning on making more like this if i can be creative enough to think of character traits.



And of course, a card from Piper for Granda Oman. I used the left over pieces of alpha’s from a previous card that I made for my dad’s birthday in January. The design is basic but I love the finished piece!



Next stop is the cards for little Steven. Steven is much younger than Craig so these are boy cards. I am actually really excited to show these cards to you because Piper was very involved in making these ones! I brought some basic supplies in to the living room and Piper helped me make this card, and then insisted in making a card all by herself! It was so adorable and I sure was one proud mumma! I may have given a little creative direction, but she did all the sticking by herself! 😀

Here’s the card from Craig and I

And here’s is Piper’s finished card


And saving the best til last… look at the concentration

and the HUGE grin! 😀



I love my crafty girl!   xx



Look at that wee face!
Back when the trees were starting to change colour and the rain hadn’t set in as yet, we took a stroll one Saturday afternoon to a stream about two minutes from our house. Who knew this was going to be the highlight of Piper’s year!? Even now, months later, she still talks about collecting leaves, listening to squirrels and throwing sticks in the river and watching them float away.

Thinking about this awesome day spent together as a family made me smile, so I knew I wanted to scrap it.

This project started with me playing with ink and Heidi swapp’s paper, but in the end I just included a little piece of this in the project.

It’s been ages since I did a 2-pager. I was delighted with myself when I came up with the idea of taping the two pages together at the back using washi tape. It stuck the pages together so I could use them as one canvas, but once my layout was finished I could remove the tape easily. Any overlapping papers I had to slice with my craft knife along this seam. It made working on a 12×24 project so much easier.

Here are some more piccys of the final project. Enjoy!


Oh, and by the way, I still have a few boxes left: Check out this post —-> GRAB BOXES


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