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Valentines Tradition Scrapbook Layout

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When Craig and I started going out, we were both relieved that we shared similar views on the annual holiday of St Valentine’s day. It is not that we are against the holiday or those who celebrate it, no, no – not at all. Originally, my views were that this was a day that was invented purely for commercial gain: convince people that they should buy flowers, chocolates, and gifts in order to show that they really do love that special somebody. But I guess in truth, nearly every holiday and special event is linked with spending money to some degree. I personally think that love and romance should be celebrated every day of the year, not just on 14th February.  Okay, we aren’t living in a fairy tale, so I won’t expect 365 days of romance, but what I mean is that I would rather receive a gift because my other half wanted to give it to me, not just because thats what we are supposed to do on a particular day of the year.

The first year we were going out we didn’t buy each other gifts or cards – it was just another day for us. The next day at work, all the girls were chatting about what presents they had received and secretly and smugly measuring these against those that their colleagues had been given. The conversation turned to me: ‘We don’t really do Valentine’s day’, I said, ‘so I never got a present. Well, actually, he did buy me a Kinder Surprise Egg when we went to get groceries. That was a nice surprise, so I suppose that was my gift.’ We all had a giggle, and it actually became a long standing joke. The next year came along, and I joked to Craig ‘ooh, I wonder if I will get a Kinder egg this year just as I did last year?’. ‘You never know’, he said, ‘you may even get two!’ And I did get two! The next year came, and I knew what to expect, and sure enough – three eggs, but this time a twist! I had to find them first, as Craig had secretly hid them throughout the flat. It was great fun, and it made the day extra special for us. I guess I can’t really say that ‘we don’t do Valentine’s day’ anymore – it’s just that we don’t do it the way that most other couples do, but in fact we have our own very special and unique Valentine’s day tradition.

Well, this year we were on 8 eggs, and I’ve been getting so excited about the run up to Valentine’s day that I had already made a layout about our tradition before the 14th.  I tried to convince Craig that we needed to buy lots of eggs last week just so that I could take a photo for the layout, but he insisted that I would just have to wait until Valentine’s day to take the picture. So as soon as I had found all 8, I was able to take my camera and finish this layout. If you want to find out where the 8 eggs were hidden this year, you will just have to wait because I am already planning a mini book about their whereabouts. I must be getting predictable because as soon as I jumped out of bed to begin my hunt, Craig reminded me to grab my camera so I could take pictures of each and every one as I found them. I guess I’m lucky to have a husband that thinks of my scrapping habits like that!

The design
I had sketched this design a few weeks back, as soon as I started thinking about Valentines day coming up. I wanted to mix pinks and reds, and at the same time use a variety of patterned paper and I am really pleased with the end result. If you read my last post featuring Card Candy embellishments by Craftwork Cards, then you’ll see another fun way of how to use these products on a project. This layout also incorporates two things which I love to use in my crafting projects right out – scalloped edges, and ledger paper. TIP: If you like the look of journaling on ledger-type paper, to make your money go further, why not do what I have done here? Buy a packet or pad of handwriting paper from your local stationary supplier, and then cut this to any shape. I find that this paper is thinner than most scrapbook pages, but works just as well. You can even stick it onto white card first to make it thicker and easier to work with. Other items which I have used in this project include: bisous chipboard, Craft Robo, fabric heart sticker, chipboard embellishment by Trimcraft, Brenda Walton Card Frame from K&Co (Brookfield collection), Twinkling H2Os, Provocraft Rolling Stamp, Making memories mini circle tabs.

Journaling reads:
Most people get a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates or treated to a meal at a fancy restaurant, but I much prefer our Valentine’s day tradition. Waking up with excitement, ready tot start the hunt, checking in every nook and cranny. It should get easier with every passing year, but you keep finding better places to hide them. i can’t believe we are on 8 eggs already. Roll on Valentine’s day!! Love you.

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Mark February 17, 2009, 1:34 am

    Hey Lesley,

    Couldn’t agree with you more. Valentine’s day (if you’re going to celebrate it) should be about little gestures not big expenditure. Spontaneity throughout the year is great, but I guess Valentine’s day gives everyone a focus to ensure that they do something extra special once a year (which, lets face it, can sometimes be easy to overlook in this modern hectic world).

    But, as you said, extra special isn’t a £100 necklace, or other such material gifts – it’s doing something with thought behind it; something personal to you and your other half.

    The Kinder Egg Hunt certainly fits that category, and I applaud you both for it… you crazy, crazy nutcases 😉 x

  • Mark February 17, 2009, 1:35 am

    P.S. Fantastic photos, great depth of field. I’ve been trying to achieve something like that with my compact camera (it has aperture and shutter control) but I’m not sure if it’s possible! Did you take them on a compact or an SLR?

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