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'Coffee' Scrapbook Layout – Shaker Card Style!

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It’s hard to tell whether I love crafting more, or my hubby loves coffee more! I’m sure that if we weren’t too busy crafting and drinking coffee we could probably argue it out until we reached a decision.

A month or two ago, Craig came home from visiting his family and as he unzipped the suitcase to empty the contents, a waft of strong coffee aroma filled the room. With a grin on his face from ear to ear, he pulled a bag of coffee from the case. Then another bag, and another bag, and another…I think there were six in total. I sighed and shook my head, but as I inspected the bags I realised that if he was obsessed enough to bring home six bags of coffee beans, then I had to make a layout about coffee.

Each bag was a different blend, with a different origin and a different roast…or so I was educated by Craig as he stacked each bag into the fridge. I knew as soon as I saw the bags that I wanted to use the sticker as an embellishment on the page. It took a while but finally Craig finished each of the six bags (I don’t even want to think about how many cups of coffee that equates to) and I got to work on a layout about my husband’s greatest vice.

This layout was inspired by a layout in a magazine last year, and i’m afraid I can’t remember when, which magazine or by who, but the simplicity of the grid design must have stuck in my mind deep down in my subconscious somewhere. So I used this and the coffee label as the starting point for my design.

I cut out each of the coffee labels and stuck them onto cardstock so that they were easier to work with and also so that the oils of the beans which were on the inside of the bags would not be in direct contact with the background card stock. I’m almost certain that I cannot rely on them being 100% acid and lignin free, but I really wanted to use the labels so hopefully it won’t discolour the page in years to come.

I picked out two coffee photos and printed them out exactly to the same size as the coffee labels, and I also cut a piece of scrap card to the same shape and size, and wrapped a coffee related sticker around it, a sticker from the Coffee House Collection from Creative Imaginations (eventually I plan to use these for a mini book, so watch this space!). That left one panel remaining. To add interest and intrigue to the layout, I decided to make this last panel a shaker panel inside which I could place some real coffee beans.

This is the same technique that is used when making shaker cards. Shaker cards are great for making a special greeting card, and you can put lots of cool things in the shaker panel: glitter, metal embellishments, sand, shells, and lots of other great memorabilia. To make this shaker panel for the layout, I measured and cut a piece of mount board to the exact size of the other panels, and then cut out a smaller rectangle inside that so as to make a frame. On pattern paper, I drew around the frame, cut it out and stuck to the top of the mount board frame. If you prefer you can stick this onto the mount board before you cut out the inner panel of the frame. Stick some acetate to back of the frame so that you create a window, and place this upside down on a flat surface, so the pattern is facing down. Next take foam pads and build a border on the under side of the frame. If you are using glitter, you need to be very careful that you leave absolutely no gaps as it will just fall out, but with larger items such as my coffee beans, I didn’t have to be so precise. Remove the backing from the foam pads and lay the beans on your page, then stick the frame on the top. Voila!

I wanted to keep the design classic and basic, so I chose not to over embellish my page – just three little buttons and some stitching to create a frame around each of the panels to tie them all together to create one panel as a design feature. The felt letter stickers are Thickers from American Crafts, and were a perfect finishing touch to this layout, with a Heidi Swapp ghost shaped heart to link the title and the main design area.

Quick tip
I wanted to use staples to hold the heart in place but my stapler wouldn’t reach that far into the page, so I improvised. Staple a scrap piece of cardstock and then carefully remove the staple. Use this card as a guide and using a piercing tool, pierce two holes through the paper. I placed my layout onto a foam mat first to protect my work surface. Once you have the two holes pierced, take one staple and push through the holes which will be exactly the correct distance apart. Turn the layout over and use the edge of a metal ruler to flatten down the prongs of the staple.

I’m really pleased with the finished piece and I hope you like the layout too. Thanks for looking and don’t forget to Leave a comment.

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Helen May 19, 2009, 2:15 pm

    Great idea for a guest book for my sisters coffee shop, The students that practicaly live there write on anything they can get their hands on so she introduced a guest book (nearly full already) This would be a lovely way to present it!

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