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The Gypsy by Provocraft


If you have been following the latest news from the crafting world you are probably aware of the latest product brought to us by Provocraft, the gypsy. The marvelously innovative Craft company Provocraft, who have brought the joys of papercrafting to many of our homes through their fabulous Cuttlebug & Cricut machines, have done a marvelous job in creating a buzz about their newest product even before anyone really knew what it was or what function it perfomed.

A huge sense of mystery and intrigue has been created over the last few weeks by the Provocraft marketing team as their website counted down the days to CHA, and the release of their newest product. All whilst simulteanously grabbing the attention of many a keen crafter by offering subtle and often crypic hints each day. ‘No computer is required’, ‘you must turn it off when you fly’, and many more little snippets such as these which have created a buzz of discussion throughout the crafting world as different crafters put forward their thoughts on what the product would be. It was even a hot topic for craft gurus Noell Hyman and Nancy Nally during recent episodes of their weekly audio show Paperclipping Live.

But there is more. Provocraft also stepped out into the realm of non conventional marketing ploys to further attract attention to their secret product. Well, at least non conventional in regards to the craft industry.

Enter Donnie K.

Provocraft have created a series of short yet hilariously funny videos which feature a bounty hunter by the name of Donnie K. The story goes that 13 gypsy devices where issued to crafters for testing but only 3 were returned to Provocraft, and Donnie K has been employed with the dangerous task of tracking these crafters, prying the gypsy machines from their greedy crafty hands, and returning the devices to the company.

To most, I’m sure these videos may not be as comedic as your average TV sitcom, but I can assure you that any crafter who watches these videos will be clenching their sides in histerics at the outrageous short sketches that are scarily very close to reality for any dedicated crafter. Although, I have to admit that my husband found them very funny too. Here are a few videos of Donnie’s antics to keep you amused, but be sure to check out the rest at over at Donnie K’s YouTube site.

But wait, the countdown has finished, CHA has arrived, and therefore the gypsy has been revealed. So what is it?

The gypsy is an innovation.
The gypsy is the Next Generation of Scrapbooking.
The gypsy is the product which I imagine will be at the top of many a crafters Christmas list. Forget about Nintendo DS and Sony PSP, we want a gypsy to amuse us when we’re on the go.

In a nutshell, the gypsy is a handheld, portable device which is to be used in conjunction with the Cricut papercutting machines. With the gypsy, crafters can design projects anywhere, instead of being restricted by the necessity of having a computer at all times. It would certainly be useful in a household such as mine where one laptop often isn’t enough for a family of two people, a point proven by the fact that I’m writing this post with one finger tapping frantically on my iPhone.

But enough from me, why not check out this great video walkthrough brought to us by Provocraft, that tells you exactly what this little beauty can do, but I will warn you now – you will probably fall in love with it immediately.

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Carmen July 31, 2009, 10:03 am

    Those videos are so funny! I’ve just sat through all of them 😀

  • Penny July 31, 2009, 12:02 pm

    Wow. Until I read this post I had never heard of this… lol. I’m always too busy blog hopping I guess.

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