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Good News, Bad News… & A Winner!

Happy Sunday everyone.

I can’t believe July has gone by so quickly and we are now in August (my birthday month, woo hoo) and this means that I have to pick a winner for the blog candy giveaway.

I really should have done this yesterday but our house was kinda busy over the last few days. And this is where the good news/ bad news comes in. On Thursday Craig had a job interview for a really great Studio in Guildford. He had applied there for a job before, with no success, but we heard through the grapevine that they were hiring again, and they were keen to get him in again for an interview. We had our fingers crossed really really tight, as his current contract runs out in September. I hate living our lives when Craig is on a contract, but we can’t really plan ahead too far, and we don’t want to splurge money on luxuries when we can’t be guaranteed that another job is going to come along exactly when we need it to. His current job is also in Portsmouth, which is over an hours drive away, even longer if he needs to commute by train, and when he is working late I hardly see him at all until midnight. This position was in the town we live, about 5 mins drive away, and are working on a really prestigious Next-Gen game title.

Whilst Craig was taking the day off to have his interview, and would be hiring a car for convenience, we decided to multitask and take Miya to the vet for her 6 monthly check up. (You should have seen the fun I had trying to capture a sample of her pee).

Anyway, the good news is that Craig got offered the job, and we are really really excited – thrilled in fact! We spent Friday night out in town with our friends, celebrating the great news. I’m so proud of my Craigy-Bear, he has pushed himself really hard and is really good at what he does. He’s getting the big break he deserves by working on this new project. YEAY!!!

But poor Miya. Her weight and teeth were fine, she’s up to date with her vaccines, and she doesn’t have diabetes, but the vet has found something called Struvite crystals in her urine. These crystals can form solid masses in the urinary tract and cause kidney failure, so we have to bring her in for an xray, so we can check for any stones. Poor baby! It’s not too bad, because she is healthy in all other respects, and it isn’t hurting her, but I know she won’t be too impressed by going back to the vet again this week for her xray. At least we caught it early. She’ll be fine.

Enough ranting, lets pick a winner.

With the genius of Random integer.com, I declare that the winner is….


Congratulations Gemma, I’ll be emailing you so you can send me your address, and we’ll get your prize posted to you tomorrow. Thank you to everyone to took part, and if you want to visit Gemma’s blog, hop on over to http://handmadebygemma.blogspot.com/

P.S I made two layouts yesterday, so watch this space, i’ll be posting them soon. Have a great day!

Off for a meal with Mark and Helen now. yum yum.

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Carmen August 2, 2009, 9:55 pm

    Yay congratulations to Gemma & Craig but poor Miya 🙁 Still, like you say, at least you caught it good and early. Hope you had a great meal 🙂

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