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Miss You Monday – Fuzzy Wishes

Hi everyone,

Yep, we’re still working on redesigning the website, so I hope you will bear with us as we experiment and play. I am already SO much happier with it, I hope that you guys will find it easier to use & navigate too. It’ll be a little while before I finish the new blog header and fix the colours so its all pretty! But until then, you should still be able to see the posts and so i’ll continue sharing my projects with y’all.

But for now…..Happy Monday!!!

We had a busy weekend here at Casa de HungryHeffy, but it’s been lots of fun for sure!

Friday night was Pamper evening at Bex’s house and I treated myself to the most divine foot massage! Oohhh i just love foot massages! Saturday morning was a midwife appointment, and we got to hear baby Oman’s heartbeat strong and steady ♡. It’s so amazing, and crazy to think that he or she has grown so big already. I’m nearly half way there and it has gone so quickly! Saturday evening we were entertaining Mark & Helen, and the Peach Cobbler went down a storm! Seriously, try out the recipe here, its nommy! Sunday was an early start as we drove to Heathrow to pick up Jeremy, who is just back from Oregon, then we were working on the website all afternoon 🙂 (we’ll, i did manage to squeeze in a little bit of crafting of course!)

And so, this brings me to today’s post, yes – a Miss You Monday card. Jeremy is back from Oregon, and Sarah, Randolph and Juliet are still there until the visas are sorted, which means that you will be seeing some more Miss You Monday cards for a little while yet! Yippeeee!

For today’s card I used the cute Owlies from Hampton Arts footlong collection – aren’t they the sweetest- along with a few more fun products, which I’ve listed below…

Product List
Corner Chomper
Heart stamp – Unity Stamps August KOTM
Distress Ink
Ribbon – Brown Silk
Hampton Arts – Footlong stamps ‘Warm Fuzzies’
Nestabilities Labels 4
Script text rubber stamp

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