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Winner Winner Chicken dinner!

Our wonderful Meiflower competition has ended and with the help of randominteger.com we have picked our three winners. To find out if you are one of the three lucky ducks who will receive a meiflower goodie bag packed full of yummy embellishment goodies, just take a peep below.

Subscriber Winner:  Irene Musgrove

Referrer Winner: Nicola Joliffe

Facebook Winner: Galina Varesse

Congratuations to all of you. Please email me your address so i can send out your prize {lez(at)hungryheffycrafts.com}

We’d like to say a HUGE big thank you to the gang over at Meiflower: Shahid, Babs and of course Mei too. Its been an honour to host this giveaway, and LOTS of fun.

Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about the giveaway, and congrats again to the winners!

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Lesley Oman June 26, 2011, 11:46 pm

    Oh dear, comments seem to have been broken for some reason! All fixed now thanks to Craig so feel free to leave lots of comments for me 🙂

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