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'Visit to the Homeland' Scrapbook Layout – Video

Confession time.

I have a scrap-crush on someone {and i’m blushing!}.

You might have heard of her, i mean, she is only one of the most awesome crafty girls in the industry (or at least i think so) – it’s Nichol Magouirk.

Her website has been in my bookmarks for ages, and now that i have jumped onto the Google Reader bandwagon, i will never miss a post again! I love her style, it’s so fresh, colourful and clean cut, which is a style which i am definitely leaning towards these days.

I always find her work so very inspiring, and i love that i can watch her ‘from start to finish’ videos which gives us viewers a fly on the craft room wall type of look into her creative scrap journey.

Not only was I feeling inspired by her style when making this layout, I thought that i would pay tribute to Nichol by playing with my video camera so that i too could share my creative scrap journey with you guys.

Enjoy the video, and please be sure to jump over to Nichol’s website so that you too can get a share of the oodles of inspiration.

Oh, and i meant to say, the photo grid is made using an awesome template from Kerri Bradford. That angel makes it so easy to do multi-photo pages. Bless her!

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