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Watercolour Effect Stripes with Gelatos and Washi Tape

Hello Everyone! Happy New Year! 2016 is here and i have a feeling it is going to be a good one!

Sorry to say that my crafty videos have been a bit slow of late, but my broken left elbow is healing nicely, and my right arm (which has bone edema) is still giving me some hassle,so i have been on a craft hiatus for a little while so i don’t prolong the healing process.

BUT, i managed to dig out a video that I hadn’t shared last year, and it definitely could be used as a valentines card, so in fact it is perfect timing.

I have used washi tape to mask off stripes on a card front, and then had some fun with gelatos – here is the video!

I wanted to also say a huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog, and for those over on YouTube and Instagram- thank you for all the love throughout 2015, and i am looking forward to sharing more crafty projects with you this year too!

Enjoy the video and see you soon,

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