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Pot Of Gold "Treasure Your Friendship" Card {video}

Hello everyone!

it’s been a busy few weeks in the Oman household – between Birthdays, Party Prepping, two acting gigs for PrincessPi, and a sick kid! I am very thankful for the Easter holidays being here at last!

Today i am sharing a card i made last week, inspired by a teeny weenie piece of rainbow that i had left over from my previous card ‘Unicorn on a cloud‘. It was too pretty to land in the bin, and i knew i would find a way to incorporate it into a card design.

well, this is the end result. An idea sparked by St Patrick’s day, then a quick sketch and rifle through my die stash…and voila!

Enjoy the video!

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • jodpea March 30, 2016, 1:21 pm

    I stumbled across your channel on you tube and I’m really impressed with your stuff, not to mention your accent! It’s always nice to hear a Brit! Also rather jealous of your seemingly endless stash! I’m tempted by the Misti myself, I’m hoping a UK distributor will pick it up.

    • Lesley Oman April 7, 2016, 3:44 pm

      hey there Jodpea! I finally got my hands on one from Oyster stamps in the UK. yeay! thanks for your kind words 🙂 happy crafting!

  • Alisha Amantiad April 2, 2016, 7:08 am

    So pretty! Thank you for joining our challenge at A Blog Named Hero!!

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