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Other Craft Projects

Hey everyone, I’m back, and feeling a little more refreshed and ready for the holidays. Only 9 more days until Christmas, yipppeeeeeee!

Last week was my last Baby Sensory class <sniff>. I have enjoyed this class sooo much, and would really, really recommend it to anyone out there who has a little one. We have learnt lots of songs, had extra interaction with other babies and mommies and learnt lots of sign language. Best of all I love thinking about how much P has developed throughout the term. She can now sit upright unaided, can clap her hands, dances when music plays, can understand basic sign language and can even sign back to me. Its AmAzINg!

As i will be back at work full time next year, we wont be able to attend next terms sensory class, so i wanted to make a little something for the three class leaders to say thank you.

I spotted some wooden hearts on ebay for a great price so i bought 20. My original idea was to make one for every baby in the class, but people came and went and there was no way i could be 100% certain that i hadnt missed someone (that would be awful) – so i stuck to the three class leaders. maybe i’ll make these for Piper’s nursery teachers as well

I used my paint dabbers on the wooden heart and used my heat tool to speed up the drying process. I did two coats on each side, and didn’t bother about the edges. I quite liked the edges showing through. Next I tied a ribbon bow using a bow maker – this way you can get uniform bows which are perfect every time. I find this tool fantastic for making teeny bows that are sometimes hard to secure tightly.

I wanted to personalise the hearts so using a sharpie i wrote the leaders name onto shrink plastic, punched a hole and shrunk it using the heat tool.

Next I threaded some bakers twine through the hole, popped on the name tag and tied a knot on the end. To make sure that the bow was secure i simply added a few stitches using red thread. Simples.

Rather than just hand these over as they were, I made them into a sort of card thingy. I pulled out my corrugated red cardstock, added kraft and decorated the front with stamps and nesties.

They loved them.

Forget about the teachers, I might even make some for myself .


p.s the winner of the craft giveaway is Christina Greier. congratulations! Email me with your address —> ( lez {at} hungryheffycrafts.com )



MAN-day Monday: Summer Banner

Happy Monday everyone, Happy MANday Monday! It’s time for another boy-centric project here at Hungry Heffy Crafts.

Today I am sharing a project that is for my 5 year old nephew. Joshua and gang came to visit during the summer, and we had a blast! It was so amazing getting to spend an extended length of time with him and his brother Lewis, because even when we go back to Ireland for a visit, we usually only get to cram in a few hours here and there.

I think the boys really did have fun during their stay, and not long afterwards it was Joshua’s birthday, but rather than make a birthday card, I wanted to make a little something for my sweet Godson that he could keep to remind him of the fun and adventures we shared. I decided to go for a banner that could be displayed on a wall – after all his lil bro Lewis is still young, and I don’t want little hands prying off embellishments.

So confession time…I totally suck at posting things. Joshua’s birthday was in August, but the project wasn’t finished in time. Fast forward a few weeks, the project was finished, but not photographed. Flash forward another few weeks and its still hanging across my craft room wall. Grr! Sometimes i frustrate myself sooo much! BUT now that it should have arrived with him, i want to share it with you.

For the basis of the project I used a scrapbook stack by We R Memory Keepers called 72 and Sunny. It is a fabulously summery collection that really do make you smile from ear to ear. I love the way that there is a good selection of different patterns in the stack, which all coordinate with each other nicely. The one frustration i have with these paper stacks is that there is usually too many glittered patterns for me. I know some people like that, but i would rather add glitter myself wherever i want it.

I used a scrap piece of paper to cut the banner shape and then used this as a template. I kept the width to 4 inches which made best use of the 12 inch scrapbook paper. The guts of the project has a photo, and then there is a generic flag at the start and the end.

One of the pages featured an alphabet which reminded me of flash cards, and i thought it would be cool to use this on the project. You can see that each flag which has a photo also has one of these letters as an embellishment.

I used some satin ribbon to string my flags together to make a banner, but i realised that i could also use binding rings to bind them all together to make a mini book. Perhaps i’ll tell my brother to do that once Joshua wants to take it down from his wall.

This was such a fun project, and i loved cutting out the little shapes to add as embellishments. Because they are all from the same stack, it makes it so easy to create a cohesive project. And aren’t those turtles just the cutest! ♥

Have a great day. x

Thanks for stopping by, and don’t forget that you can still check out the Thanksgiving Project Tutorial below (plus 4 free journaling cards to download)


{Scroll to the bottom to see more pics and the videos}

Its that time of year again.
Orange and red and yellow and golden brown.
Cinnamon and nutmeg and ginger.
Apples and chestnuts and PUMPKINS!

I’m pretty sure that if it was a competition, Autumn would totally win.

Even though I am on the wrong side of the world to call Thanksgiving one of my national holidays, we usually still celebrate it in our house. Every year we spend the day with our good friends Jeremy and Sarah and a gang of other people to celebrate gratitude. It’s so lovely to take a moment from the hustle and bustle of life, sit down and reflect upon all the things in your life that you are truly thankful for.

A few years ago I made a project to take to Thanksgiving Dinner, and it was really fun. I mean REALLY fun. I’m sure there were a few laughter induced tears as we read out the notes that each person had jotted down on their journaling card. Of course there was the usual ‘i am thankful for my wife, my family…’ but there were also a few unique, funny answers too. When I shared that project with you, I gave my viewers a chance to download the journaling card that i had made for the project (click the link at the start of the paragraph if you wanna go get it for yourself).

Last week as I drove along the tree-lined, windy British roads on the way to work, all of a sudden I felt Autumnal. The trees had exploded into vibrant colours and bright, rich leaves floated down through the air, falling like confetti onto the bonnet of the car. It was so beautiful…& I started to get excited.

Thanksgiving is on its way, and before I start thinking about the food side of things I wanted to make a project for the table this year. Once again I designed my own journaling card to use as the basis of the project, one for each person in attendance.

This time I have made a video tutorial which walks through how i made this project, so that you can make one too if you like. Kinda like a free craft class i guess. Also, just like the last time, you can download the journaling card so you can use this on your projects. All you need to do is to click on the sign up tab at the top and become a free member. This will give you access to all the free digital downloadable elements. Be sure to also sign up to our newsletter so that we can let you know when new stuff is available. Also, all newsletter subscribers are automatically entered into any competitions we run on Hungry Heffy Crafts. Great, huh?

Here’s the videos, I had to do them in two parts, and there are some more photos below that so you can see more of the project.