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Free Craft Class – Origami Christmas Tree

We are giving this away free, all we ask is that you share this with any of your social networks that may also enjoy it. To do this you can use the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Origami Tree Craft Class (right click to save as)

Due to popular demand, the second ever Hungry Heffy Crafts Free Craft Class is featuring the Origami Christmas tree. You may have seen this project at one of my demonstrations, or perhaps recognize it from an earlier blog entry for Glamour Dust. I must admit that the step-by-step photos did not turn out as crisp as i would have liked, however i think that it is still easy to follow the instructions and clear to see what folds are required.

Although this project may look a little daunting at first, in reality it is quite simple and works great as a trick for amusing crafty kids, especially over the Christmas school holidays. Once again, as this Craft Class is downloadable, you have the freedom to save the project onto your computer, or print out the instructions and then complete the project in your own time. So why don’t you give it a try? Download the second ever HHC Free craft class here (right click to save as) and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

I hope you enjoy making these little trees as much as i do.  As always, don’t forget to Leave a comment and until next time, Merry Christmas Everybody!

‘What is a HHC craft class?’

These are step by step tutorials which you can download to use personally or print copies to use in a craft group. The file is in PDF format, so should be quick and easy to use, and you can save it to your computer in case you want to save it for later. The craft classes will feature a variety of topics: scrapbook layouts, card making techniques, origami and paperfolding instructions, and also general crafts such as felting and stitchcraft. In addition, they will vary in difficulty so that beginners and professional crafters alike will find something for their amusement and pleasure. It is a brand new addition to Hungry Heffy Crafts, so let me know what your thoughts are, and as usual, requests are always more than welcome!

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