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An Unforgettable Experience at Legoland

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A couple of weeks ago my bro Roger, Shelly & my darling nephew Josh came over for a visit. It was only for a few days but we had a visit to the legendary Land of Lego. It was a smashing day! So much to see and so much to do, and Josh seemed to have a great time.

Throughout the weekend, Josh had graced us with a couple of renditions of the Bob the Builder theme tune, and when we spied Bob and Wendy at the end of the path, Josh’s eyes lit up with excitement. But as we walked closer, Josh’s confidence wore off and shyness took over, and he wasn’t feeling too sure about the life size lego constructions which stood before him. We all had to pose for pictures with Bob and Wendy before he was brave enough to venture near.

I hope for Josh his visit to Legoland with Auntie Lesley and Uncle Craig will be unforgettable.

Products used:
Pattern paper – Scenic route,
Journaling tag: Creative Cafe
Stickers: paper trunk, glitz designs, Basic Grey (lime rickey), Creative cafe
Chipboard: Bisous
Sheers: maya road

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