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MAN-day Monday – Birthday Nutter!

{btw, check out the post below to see my most recent video tutorial}

One way to make a card look more striking is to incorporate a black base into the design, and these black cards and envelopes are perfect for todays MAN-day Monday card. I didnt want the black to be overpowering or depressing, so i’ve teamed it up with some bright, vibrant cardstock.

Isn’t that little squirrel so cute! He was scurrying around on a piece of scrapbook paper, and I decided to give him pride of place on his own little card. For the text, i simply printed this out using my computer and home printer, and I thought the term ‘nutter’ would be perfect for boys, as they are always calling each other names, or making up unflattering nick names for each other!

The design is simple, so it goes to prove that you don’t have to make a complicated card for the guys, and of course you can use the same design to make other cards- Proof? – just look below…

Same design, different look. I had originally thought that this would be a ‘Hoppy Anniversary’ card, but someone wanted it as a birthday card instead.

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